Wednesday, May 25, 2005

More music: New DMB album

Current Music: "Dreamgirl", from DMB: Stand Up

I got this album and was hoping Dave Matthews would give us another really sensual song, something like Crash or Crush or Say Goodbye. I was startled by the first track: "Dreamgirl" is short and sweet but it qualifies in places (see below). The switch to the submediant +7 harmony right on "best friend" really works for me, and I like the vi7->V->IV thing that happens there. It makes it so beautiful it's sad, and it's intensified later when the African chorus stuff from the intro comes back in towards the end of the song.

I propose that Crash, Crush, and this song all could be used as a a good litmus test for really being "in love". If any of these songs remind me of a girl, I'll know she's "really something special" (to quote Woody Allen).

I was feeling like a creep as I watched you asleep
face down in the grass in the park in the middle of a hot afternoon
Your top was untied and I thought how nice it'd be to follow the sweat down your spine.
You're like my best friend
Oh, after a good good drink
you and me wake up and make love
after a deep sleep where I was dreaming
I was dreaming of a



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